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For 25 years, we've had a plan for your money.

We help Attorneys, individuals, children and those with special needs

plan their financial futures in Settlements and everyday financial matters.


Experience matters.


We have extensive experience in planning financial matters that includes 1000+ settlement conferences, more than 100 speaking engagements and thousands of clients. 

We honor our clients trust by listening to their needs to provide the best options.


Clay N. Bigler, CSSC 

Clay has over 25 years of experience working with individuals, attorneys, and their clients.


Bigler, a frequently selected Guardian for juveniles and disabled people, plans settlements, establishes structured settlements, administers Estates, Trusts and Settlement Funds.


A published author and a frequent speaker to legal and professional groups, Bigler has served as an instructor to the National Structured Settlement Trade Association and is a former local presi-dent of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors with involvement as a speaker at annual and regional meetings. He is a member of the Society of Settlement Planners and Nation-al Guardianship Association.  He actively supports the Kentucky Justice Association.


Having worked with some of the nation's top injury and medical malpractice attorneys, Bigler is an expert at dealing with settlements and is considered one of the top consultants in the United States.


He is one of less than 500 people worldwide to be awarded the Certified Structured Settlement Consultant’s designation from Notre Dame University. 


Clay has been named to the Million Dollar Round Table Court membership.  "MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence" as less than 1% of professionals reach this level within the financial community. 


Bigler developed one of the best systems in the United States for implementing Qualified Settle-ments Funds and Supplemental Needs Trusts for injury victims. He helped to make a complex pro-cess simple and easy to understand. This ability to explain complex financial strategies in a simple way serves him well. 


Community Involvement is important to Mr. Bigler.  He has spent a considerable amount of time in the non-profit area. He spent two years in National Service as an AmeriCorps volunteer, as a board member on the Berea Arts Council and Treasurer for the Madison County Party.  He served on the Lexington Bluegrass Youth Ballet Board and Scouting groups for his children.


Bigler has lived in Kentucky for 33 Years and is a native of New Orleans.  As a son of a banker, he has a long family tradition in the financial services industry. His late wife, Gena Bigler was a native of Hyden Kentucky, a successful author, financial consultant and "Smart Money" columnist, they have two children.


He can be reached at



You can read more about Clay at this Huffington Post Article.

Angela R. Luhys

Angela Luhys brings her vast intellect, unique talents and life experiences to her role.


A native of Hyden in Eastern Kentucky, Luhys is a graduate of the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine in Ithaca, New York. After traveling the United States, Luhys came back to Kentucky and began her career.


She served over a decade as a Office Manager, Medical Director, Intern Coordinator and bookkeeper before moving to a special needs trust administrator. During that time, she co-authored an article for Claims Magazine.


“I handle money for disabled people, particularly those who have received a large personal injury or medical malpractice settlement.


“I pay their bills and assist them in large purchases, such as houses, cars, appliances. I open bank accounts, secure insurance. I also set their weekly or monthly allowance and try to teach them how to budget and live within their means."


Her work has been featured in publications such as Huffington Post and Kentucky Forward and she has been selected to be a speaker at the National Guardianship Association Annual Convention in New Orleans in October 2014.


As the mother of a teenager with special needs, Luhys understands the unique challenges of dealing with bureaucracy and government programs and fights for her clients to get the benefits they deserve. As the enclosed feature from KY Forward notes, she has a natural affinity for handling money.


She can be reached at


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